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As your study God's Word, keep this thought from Watchman Nee in your thoughts, quoted from Volume 54, "How to Study the Bible",
A>"The study of the Bible is not merely a matter of right methods but a matter of right persons. A person must be right before he can adopt the right method to study the Bible. Methods are important because without good methods, one cannot study the Bible well. But the person must also be properly calibrated before he can study the Bible well. Some people have a misguided concept that very few people can study the Bible. Others have a mistaken notion that anyone can study the Bible. Both are wrong. It is wrong to think that very few people can study the Bible, and it is equally wrong to think that everyone can study the Bible. Only one kind of person can study the Bible, and we have to be that kind of person before we can study the Bible well. ... In John 6:63 the Lord Jesus said, "The words which I have spoken to you are spirit." The words of the Bible are not only letters but spirit. We also should recall the Lord's word in John 4:24: "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit." Here the Lord points out a fundamental principle: God is Spirit, and man can only touch Him with his spirit. God is Spirit, and we can only worship Him with our spirit; we cannot worship Him with anything other than the spirit. (ed.: provided that he has a spirit!) ... The very nature of the Bible is spirit. For this reason, everyone who reads this book must approach it with His Spirit; it must be read with The Spirit. The spirit that we are referring to is the spirit of every regenerated person. ... When can a man begin to understand the Bible? On the day he receives the Lord, he can begin to understand the Bible. From that day forward, the Bible will become a new book to him; he will begin to understand and treasure this book."
My parent operated a chain of retail Christian book stores in Phoenix, AZ through the late 60s to early 80s. While growing up, I remember reading many "cartoon tracts" from Chick Publishing. I used their small comics to witness to my school friends.
It is surprising how informative these "Comic Tracts" can be. For example glance through this FREE Online sample, "Look What's Missing", and learn what's been removed from 40 popular Bible translations.
Other FREE Online Comic Tracts:
This section is managed by "Select Smart" — a quiz generation website. Read about them here.
I have highlighted some quizzes that might provide valuable insight. You'll notice that the author normally provides their full name and credentials. Before you seriously consider any quiz results, keep in mind these topics:
* Best Fit Church Selector By Roger G. Jamin
* Bible Versions Selector By Aaron
* Calvinist or Arminianist By Steven K
* Christian Denomination Selector By Mike Hopkins
* Christian Faith Selector By Matthew Etzel
* Church and Denomination Selector By Christian Dude
* Do you believe that the Bible... By Dmitry Chernikov
* Pure Christianity By Dr. Trannon L. Goble
* Spiritual Gifts By churchwatchman
* Theological Outlook Selector By Martin Chemnitz
* What are your spiritual gifts? By Peter Lounsbury
* Afterlife Beliefs By Destara
* Are You a TRUE Christian? What are your beliefs in the BIBLE or in TRADITION? By Chairman Kevin S. P.
* Christian Denominations By Lorie Anderson
* Discover your true spiritual self By Chiquita05
* Gnostic Faith Selector By Spiritualist
* Hypocritical Christian Test By Mr.Unknown
* Protestant Denominations By Paul
* Reformed Denominations By Mike Whiteacre
* Religious Belief By Chris
* Religious Test By Joe Test
* The Origins of Man and the Universe By Paul
* What Denomination Are You?? By GLAR
* What kind of Baptist are you? By Rev. Joe LeFlore
* Which ancient christian belief are you? By Goli
* Which Christian Denomination are you? By christian