Thank you for visiting the "Kingdom of God Principles"!
My prayer and earnest hope in Our Lord and Savior that mercy, peace, and love is multiplied on you.
I have recently retired after 40+ years in IT networking. Our Lord has not finished with me yet; He has placed a final mission for me to return to my original calling to serve, teach, and edify the Body of Christ in these final days. I have discovered His purpose and life-long preparations to establish this online educational site. I do not take this calling lightly!
God has entrusted this online ministry, to not only, me but to other colleagues with equally talented "information technology (IT)" skills. There are several other Internet ministries that perform a very similar services to which God has called all of us. I do not consider my fellow ministers a threat because we all do the work of our Lord for His glory and for His benefit for the Body of Christ. You will find reference links to our brethren's resources.
I welcome any comments, edification, recommendation, or innovating ideas that you may have that might help promote this website. I continue to thank the Lord for the flood of comments and guidance received from members of the Body of Christ. I ask for your patience as I operate this website and reply to the overwhelming input. Yes, "HINT", I could use an extra set of hands in this online missionary endeavor.
Again, thank you for visiting the "Kingdom of God Principles"! My hope is that each visitor is edified by our resources and content. May God richly bless you and "perfect you thoroughly to every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17)!
Not I, but Christ,
S. Gose - PhD Information Systems
Romans 11:36 - "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen."
I and my associates write compelling doctrinal content that reaches seekers, believers from all denominations, and minister to a hurting world with powerful evidence that God is real, concerned, and provides the Good News of escape through Jesus our Lord and Christ.
We believe the truth found in the Word of God transforms lives from eternal death to life. Therefore, I try to place our content within the first few pages of the most popular search engines. That way, when folks seek answers to life's questions from the Web search engines, the "Kingdom of God (KoG) Principles" is listed among the top listings with God's truth and HIS answers!
I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and have been a licensed minister since 1972. Like Jesus, we reject many of the issues found in ritualistic worship. I consider a personal pursuit of God's teachings as paramount in each person's journey in life. I also believe that the ultimate answer and preserving Truth to life's dilemmas are found only through God’s plan for mankind. (Read our Faith Statement here.) I believe that the Bible is a spiritual book as illuminated by the Holy Spirit's power and His guidance. Furthermore, I believe that spiritual growth occurs from daily readings of God’s Word.
Although I am not formally affiliated with any denomination or non-profit organization, I cooperate and work with other credible ministries and churches of Christian Faith and their evangelism to "all creation". "Kingdom Of God" is a service mark of Stephen Gose LLC, ( ) a for-profit corporation located in Phoenix, AZ, and Culpeper, VA. You can visit my corporate site to learn about my operations. Our current donors are primarily individuals, churches (technical ministries), and entrepreneurs with a heart for cutting-edge, culturally-relevant Gospel outreach ministries. If you feel led, we'd love to have your prayer support. You can see my past work history on as a College Professor Emeritus and Certified Network Engineer in cyber-security.
My goal for this website is to lead 10 people daily in a first-time decision for Christ. You can share a part of this ministry by sending friends, relative, tweeting, Facebook links. Did you know that (quote Matthew 10:41) "He that receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward, and he that receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward." Help me with your prayers and recommendations and stand with me at the "BEMA SEAT OF CHRIST" and have Him tell both of us "... Well done, you good and faithful servants: you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter into the joy of your lord."
Introductory Pricing! (Also Available from Amazon as paperback or ebook!) This is a workbook on nurturing newly-born Christians. It shows fundamental doctrines, habits, and tutoring required for the new initiate in Christ. It is an in-depth review of the "second birth", forming growth habits, and ensuing spiritual warfare. The text is inspired by writing from Jesse Penn-Lewis and Watchman Nee.
Book #1 "Feeding His Lambs" — is an introduction specifically written for the newly-born Christian and is a prerequisite for workbook #2. Scriptures and doctrinal studies intentionally use common vernacular for Christian terminology which is "foreign to the new convert". A "Spiritual Neonatus'" first 28-days are its critical growth period. Workbook #1 demonstrated how to nurture your newly-born spirit! These next 1,000 days start the fledgling's maturing process; workbook #1 laid these foundations into Christian Anthropology, Soteriology, Christology Theologies, guidance into living victoriously and mild "sparing sessions" in spiritual warfare.
The online course follows the text-workbook and includes written exercises and quizzes. CEU and certificate provided upon successful completion.