Kingdom of God Principles —

the workbook series for Christian Growth into Discipleship.

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Book #1 "Feeding His Lambs"
— is an introduction specifically written for the newly-born Christian and is a prerequisite for workbook #2. It shows fundamental doctrines, habits, and tutoring required for the newly initiate in Christ. It is an in-depth review of the "second birth", forming growth habits, and ensuing spiritual warfare. The text was inspired by writing from Jesse Penn-Lewis and Watchman Nee. Scriptures and doctrinal studies intentionally use common vernacular for Christian terminology which is "foreign to the new convert". A "Spiritual Neonatus'" first 28-days are its critical growth period. Workbook #1 demonstrated how to nurture your newly-born spirit! These next 1,000 days start the fledgling's maturing process; workbook #1 laid these foundations into Christian Anthropology, Soteriology, Christology Theologies, guidance into living victoriously and mild "sparing sessions" in spiritual warfare.

The online course follows the text workbook and includes written exercises and quizzes. CEU and certificate provided upon successful completion.


Book #2 "Tending His Sheep" (current work in progress) — is specifically written for the newly maturing "Christian fledgling". It builds upon the foundations from workbook #1 by adding the topics of our current and future roles as Christians in both the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven. This workbook provides a gentle introduction to various teaching (aka -also known as- "doctrines") and terminology found in Systematic, Historical, and Practical Theologies, — their origins, their motivations, from those early years, toward encroaching heresies and heterodoxy, and their "final traditional agreements" incorporated into today's church dogma. The "sparring sessions" become more intense as we review these ancient "heresies and heterodoxies".

Book #3 "Feeding His Sheep" (currently in development) — continues to build upon workbooks #1 and #2. This workbook presents more difficult messages and parables as taught by Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry about the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, and discipleship. This is a Constructive Theology workbook about the "Kingdom Principles" and discipleship — an insight for today's church and the "Keys to achieving a Successful, Powerful, and Abundant Life in Christ our Lord."

Songs of Praise!

Just finished Vacation Bible School this past week with 12 first-time conversions and 9 re-dedications. I ran the Worship Technical Support -- which means I ran the songs /dances for the kids each day. Those songs were in my dreams by day 2! We used the VBS Destination Dig curriculum; the kids simply loved it. Our church struck this set and is currently looking for any Church in the "Valley of the Sun" who might need this for their vacation bible school.

1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18 —

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Finally! Someone who understands "... go ye into ALL the World, and Preach the Freedom to ALL CREATION!" Don't understand or think this video abstration is silly? You need to read "Feed His Sheep"

So what do the US Marines know that the general public is not permitted to understand????
It's simple ... There's NO GOD LIKE YAHWEH JEHOVAH!